chemical peels

A Chemical Peel is an exfoliation and resurfacing treatment that gently unglues and peels away your skin’s topmost layers.

chemical peels

Medical grade chemical peels available at 413 Medical Aesthetics.

What are Chemical Peels?

A Chemical Peel is an exfoliation and resurfacing treatment that gently unglues and peels away your skin’s topmost layers.

The goal is to rid your face of dead, unhealthy cells and allow smooth, dynamic cells waiting underneath to surface. If you’re looking to treat Sun/Age/Brown spots damage, or other minor, or major skin imperfections, chemical peels can help. Chemical Peels can also address concerns including fine lines, and unwanted freckles in a safe and effective way.

Treated areas may take a few days to heal fully after a medium or deep peel. During a deep chemical peel you may experience mild burning or itching sensation.

What to Expect During a Medical Grade Chemical Peel?

Our clinicians will thoroughly clean your face, protect your hair, and cover your eyes. During a light chemical peel, a chemical solution that typically contains glycolic acid or salicylic acid is applied to the skin. The skin will momentarily whiten. Chemical peels are an excellent treatment that helps improve the overall health of the skin. They are essentially a deep exfoliation of the skin.

Types of Chemical Peels

Light Chemical Peel: A light (superficial) chemical peel removes the outer layer of skin (epidermis). It’s used to treat fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness. It is recommended that you repeat a light peel every two to five weeks to maintain the desired result.

Medium Chemical Peel: A medium chemical peel removes skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the upper part of your middle layer of skin (dermis). It’s used to treat wrinkles, acne scars and uneven skin tone. You may need to repeat the procedure in two to five weeks to maintain the desired result.

Deep Chemical Peel: A deep chemical peel removes skin cells even deeper. Your doctor might recommend one for deeper wrinkles, scars or precancerous growths.

After The Procedure

After a chemical peel of any depth, your skin will be red, tight, irritated, or swollen. Follow your practitioner's directions for sun protection, cleansing, moisturizing, and applying protective ointments to your skin. And avoid picking, rubbing, or scratching your skin. Recovery time depends on the individual and the strength of the chemical peel used.

Talk with our team at 413 Medical Aesthetics about how long to protect your skin from the sun after treatment.

chemical peel FAQ

What should I know before getting a Chemical Peel?
What are the dos and don’ts after a chemical peel?
is treatment painful?
what does aftercare look like?